Monday, March 3, 2008

March Came In Like A Lion, Will It Leave Like A Lamb??

This is going to be a 'way' busy week. I need to go through and really clean the house. On Thursday, I teach my last D&C class for the women of our stake. I've really enjoyed this so much. The ladies that come really want to learn, and we have had wonderful gospel discussions.

We've got the big birthday party for Ava on Saturday. I'm not sure how many will be coming, but at last count, I was up to about 16. That will so much fun, and I'm looking forward to seeing everyone.

Jon flies out to San Diego today. I hope he has a wonderful time. I'm sure he and Andrew will find lots of mischief to get in too. (ha ha) He will be there for his birthday, so we will celebrate it when he gets back. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JON!!!!!

Dad has bought his first real estate venture. It is a tri-plex in Ogden. He got it at a very good bargain. We haven't decided if we will keep it, or rehab and sell. The rehab starts today, and we hope to have it done very quickly, so we can get renters into it. They say the first buy is the hardest, and it was a crazy past few weeks. But I'm so proud of him. He did it. The next one will be easier, as he knows what to do, and how to do it.

The trouble with being in the rat race, is that even if you win, you're still a rat--Lily Tomlin.

1 comment:

Matt and Katya said...

Congratulations to Dad for the first purchase.
I know that the first step is hard…but you’re good at working hard and making things work. I know you’ll do a wonderful job.
I am looking forward to the birthday party on Saturday as well…I can’t wait to see little Ava again…